"What is this Cloud Computing ??????"
"Why we will use it for Bioinformatics ?????"
"Where we are going to use this technology ?????"
"Who are technology providers ??????" So ultimately with these lot of WWWW in your mind you will stop reading this post but wait buddy... this is just a title of this post and i m just trying to add some humour though i know you people must be thinking hey man .. stop this non-sense and come to point and keeping this fact in mind i am straight coming to topic
FIRST W(What is Cloud Computing)
Cloud computing is a general term for anything that involves delivering hosted services over the Internet. Services broadly divided into three categories:
- Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)
- Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)
- Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). The name cloud computing was inspired by the cloud symbol that's often used to represent the Internet in flowcharts and diagrams.

Distinct characteristics that differentiate it from traditional hosting are
- It is sold on demand, typically by the minute or the hour.
- It is elastic -- a user can have as much or as little of a service as they want at any given time.
- Service is fully managed by the provider (the consumer needs nothing but a personal computer and Internet access).
- Significant innovations in virtualization and distributed computing, as well as improved access to high-speed Internet and a weak economy, have accelerated interest in cloud computing.
To knock your head with this topic Please refer to /http://www.janakiramm.net/
NOW SECOND W(Why we will use it for Bio informatics)
Life Science research and technology is growing exponentially at 400x speed which is generating huge amount of data to provide researchers better insight into biology of system. With rise of system biology where scientists are taking holistic approach by considering all details of molecular and biochemical processes in picture and generating biochemical network containing lot of differential equations whose analysis and simulation will take lot of computational resources likewise with development in genome sequencing technology huge amount of data generated in very less span of time storing and analysis of this data again needs huge spending on infrastructure development of hardware and software.
Private or Public, every Cloud implementation has to respect four key tenets. They are
- Elasticity
- Pay-By-Use
- Self Service
- Programmability
THIRD W(Where we will use this technology)
- "Cloud computing could help analyze genomes"Analyzing the vast amount of genetic information within a single genome - the set of genes/chromosomes that make up the full DNA sequence of a living being - usually takes a large amount of time and requires an expensive set of computers to be on hand. Cloud computing - a method with which the researchers may purchase computing power on a distributed network of computers without needing to invest in a large amount of hardware - to speed up the DNA sequencing process is a solution for that.
- The current crop of next-generation sequencers (NGS) produce a much richer set of data per sequencing run, offer researchers more insight into the biological systems they are studying, perform their work faster than before, and frequently cost less to run. However, such lab equipment places new demands on life sciences storage solutions. The reason: Each faster and more frequent run produces orders of magnitude more data than was the case with previous generation systems.
- To Simulate Complex biochemical network generated with rise of system biology.
Below is List of Current Cloud Services providers in INDIA.
You must be thinking that there is already long list of Cloud Service Provider available in market than what is scope of Bio informatics in Cloud
and thats great!!!
It means now you all are convinced and started looking into commercial application of cloud computing so i feel its right time to tell you that all of above mentioned service providers are providing services to IT organizations ,Banking Sector and Government organization none of them are providing solution for Life Science.
It means Life Science field is still untapped and having lot of commercial potential.
In my Knowledge there is one bangalore based organization http://www.geschickten.com/ which is offering bioinformatics solution .even they are also in their starting phase.
So my Friends what are you waiting for Just Comment on this post and start Googling about Cloud Computing you will find lot of material and look for more Opportunities in this Field.
Thats all for Today!!!!!!!!!
Will Be back with new technology
ReplyDeleteThey can easily run operating systems from cloud on the go rather than from their desktops.